The project « EUROPOLY – An innovative Bottom-Up approach to fight euroscepticism through networking » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"
Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns"
8 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1
Participation: The event involved 50 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary)¸ 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Velenje, Slovenia, from 25/09/2017 to 27/09/2017
Short description: The aim of the event was to meet for the first time and to present each partner,to talk about the project in general, its objectives, results and steps to be done in future events.
The topic of the first event was Euroscepticism in general and Euroscepticism linked to migration. The Youth Centre Velenje organized a conference “Euroscepticism and migrations: perceptions, causes, impacts & countermeasures”, held by a guest expert Dr. Aleš Bučar Ručman. Partners presented the current situations in each country and discussion afterward together with citizens. The Youth Centre Velenje had a presentation of good practices at local level to contrast the phenomenon and informal meeting with local administrators on the topic “Velenje in EU: benefits for local community from 2004 to 2017”. Partners visited the Youth Centre Velenje facilities and their work and talked about future common projects.
Event 2
Participation: The event involved 49 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Medina del Campo, Spain, from 27/11/2017 to 29/11/2017
Short description: The aim of the event was that of discussing the topic of unemployment and in particular, Youth Unemployment in the EU, understanding its causes and better know the EU policies aimed at fighting this phenomenon. One conference was held and moderated by the Chamber of Commerce of Valladolid and the Department of Geography of Valladolid, with the participation of citizens and students. Moreover, students moderated an open debate with partners on Youth unemployment and Euroscepticism.
The Municipality also organized study visits of the main local and regional good practices related to young entrepreneurship and initiatives to improve the youth situation in Europe.
Event 3
Participation: The event involved 46 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Szolnok, Hungary, from 28/02/2018 to 02/03/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to exchange experiences and best practices on the topic of solidarity, analyzing the policies and the actions that the EU implements in this field and the opportunities like the EVS or the European Solidarity Corps. Partners presented to local associations in Szolnok their successful stories of solidarity and they exchanged best practices. A meeting with local administrations was also carried out to talk about the importance and the limits of EU solidarity policies in Hungary and Szolnok.
Event 4
Participation: The event involved 40 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Fano, Italy, from 23/07/2018 to 25/07/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the economic crisis in Europe and its connections to euroscepticism. The event was introduced by the Mayor of Fano, who underlined the engagement of the Municipality to work in a European dimension. Partners presented the framework of the economic crisis in their countries and the EU measures that contributed to get out of it and improving the economic conditions.
The Municipality of Fano made a focus on European Agricultural Policies with an expert from the University of Urbino and it also introduced some best practices in the territory like the GAL Falminia Cesano. In this context, partner had the chance to visit some firms of the territory, mainly working in the agricultural field, also thanks to European Funds.
Event 5
Participation: The event involved 50 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Makarska, Croatia, from 02/10/2018 to 04/10/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to discuss about the Future of Europe and getting to know citizens opinions on it. Within this framework, MARA Development Agency presented the European funded projects in the city of Makarska, how the city benefit from it and their future implementation and development (for example: EU project in Biokovo Nature Park). This was followed by a presentation of the vice mayor open to public: “Makarska in EU:benefits for local community from 2013 to 2018”.
A simulation game with school was organized in order to understand youngsters’ perspective on the EU and its future and, on the other side, the opinion of local entrepreneurs was also listened.
Finally, partners had a project meeting to discuss the implementation of the project and to start organizing the final event.
Event 6
Participation: The event involved 51 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 3 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Targu Mures, Romania, from 13/11/2018 to 15/11/2018
Short description: The aim of the event was to understand and analyse different perceptions about the European Union from the point of view of youngsters and adults, and to foster a discussion among them. The event saw the involvement of student from the University of Arts of Targu Mures, and the different topics were introduced starting from different artistic representations, like a theatre performance acted by young students and the streaming of the film “Bacalaureat”.
At the same time, the event was an occasion to define the activities of the Final Event more in details among partners.
Event 7
Participation: The event involved 48 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 2 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 2 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia), 2 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 2 participants from the city of Forlì (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Shumen, Bulgaria, from 31/03/2019 to 03/04/2019
Short description: The aim of the event was to discover the advantages of free movement within Europe, in particular for what concern opportunities both for young and adults European citizens.
The Municipality of Shumen organized different informative meeting for citizens, showing mobility opportunities like the Erasmus+ for students, but also for the youngest and they presented a project implemented by a kindergarden of the city. The Municipal Youth Council organized an Open debate with the participation of pupils from high schools and the “Europe direct” infodesk.
Partners had a final meeting before the Final Event in Forlì, during which they set final details. Moreover they shared opinions and experience about free movement in Europe.
Event 8
Participation: The event involved 73 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Velenje (Slovenia), 4 participants from the city of Medina del Campo (Spain), 3 participants from the city of Szolnok (Hungary), 4 participants from the city of Fano (Italy), 4 participants from the city of Shumen (Bulgaria), 4 participants from the city of Targu Mures (Romania), 3 participants from the city of Makarska (Croatia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Forlì, Italy, from 08/05/2019 to 10/05/2019
Short description: The aim of the event was to raise awareness about the European thematic discussed during the project and to the consequences that Euroscepticism could bring in citizens’ life. This was done by testing a game format organized in the city during the Europe Day, called Europoly. Many events, conferences and students performances were implemented throughout the city, touching different topics on Europe like the conference: “the last 20 years of Europe; The construction of the external border: foreign policy and immigration; The euro and the economic crisis; Euroscepticism “
Partners also organized games that have been carried out with students in Forlì. International partners also brought materials made by students in partners’ countries and they have been exposed in Forlì.
Finally, partners met to have final consideration on project outputs, impact and reporting.